DataSource for Entity Framework in WPF
C1.LiveLinq.Indexing Namespace / Index<T> Class / Join Method / Join<T2,TResult>(IEnumerable<T2>,Func<T2,Object>,Func<T,T2,TResult>,JoinOperator) Method
The type of the elements of the second sequence.
The type of the result elements.
The second sequence to join to this collection.
A function to extract from a second sequence's item the value to match against this collection's key value.
A function to create a result element from two matching elements.
A comparison operator to match elements.

In This Topic
    Join<T2,TResult>(IEnumerable<T2>,Func<T2,Object>,Func<T,T2,TResult>,JoinOperator) Method
    In This Topic

    Correlates the items of this indexed collection with the items of another sequence and returns the combined items with matching keys.

    Implements IIndexScanner(T).Join

    Public Overloads Function Join
        (Of T2,TResult)( _
       ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T2), _
       ByVal keySelector As Func(Of T2,Object), _
       ByVal resultSelector As Func(Of T,T2,TResult), _
       ByVal op As JoinOperator _
    ) As IEnumerable(Of TResult)


    The second sequence to join to this collection.
    A function to extract from a second sequence's item the value to match against this collection's key value.
    A function to create a result element from two matching elements.
    A comparison operator to match elements.

    Type Parameters

    The type of the elements of the second sequence.
    The type of the result elements.

    Return Value

    Enumeration of objects obtained by applying the result selector to pairs of joined elements of the two collections.
    See Also